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URL Shortener v0.1.1


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This project is open-source and available on a Github repository, accessible here.


Simple URL Shortener (inspired by bitly) 🔗

I use Laravel for the backend of the application, and React for the frontend.

He's based on the same operating principle as bitly. You give the URL you would like to shorten. The application takes care of everything and return you a beautiful link.

For example :

$link = "";
$slug = Slug::new(); // A23n4b0s

$short = Short::create([
	"slug" => $slug,
	"url" => $link,
	"user_id" => Auth::user()->id,
	"expires" => now()->addYears(5)

 * Now, if you try to access to the given url
 * -$slug
 * You will be redirected to the url corresponding to this slug.
 * @param Short $short
 * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function show(Short $short)
  return redirect()->away($short->url);


Create a new short

The main feature of this application is the shortting of URL.

You can create a new short by enter the URL you would like to shorten and click on the "SHORT" button.


New shorts are automatically added to your account.

Create a new short

See all shorts

You can see all shorts created by all users. You can also see all shorts created by you. You can access to this page by clicking on the "Shorts" link in the navigation.


The pagination is a custom component.

See all shorts

See your shorts

You can see all shorts created by you. You can access to this page by clicking on the "My shorts" link in the right part of the navbar.

See your shorts


You can access to your account by clicking on the "Profile" link in the right part of the navbar.



MIT Licensed